
Je Health is an online aggregator for the treatment of medical conditions and detailed health-living tips. The aim of Je Health is to help clinicians and patients access targeted treatment to medical conditions. The platform will be updated frequently according to treatment guidelines per medical specialties. There are many sources of disease treatment on the internet, our platform makes sure to research and collect information about the drugs and treatment of medical conditions from the world's best sources of medical information.


Most clinicians in most cases already know the diagnosis but updated treatment may be difficult to find. Therefore Je Health comes in to easy and improve patient management by clinicians around the world.

Information organization

Our information on the treatment of medical conditions will be formulated in such a way that each topic will consist of 3 parts; The introduction of a medical condition, the Treatment section, and the detailed prescriptions of drugs for the disease. This will make it more useful for clinicians to do their best for the patient without wasting time.

Introduction of the condition

A brief description of the condition's causes, symptoms, and signs and also a summary of its management. 


Here detailed information about the treatment of a condition shall be provided on all our mentioned topics. Medical, surgical, and drugs used shall be included.


In order to help clinicians and patients deal with the condition effectively the "Prescription Section" will contain a detailed description of what drug to use, the formulation, dose, route of administration, frequency, and duration of treatment course.

Why Trust Je Health?

 Source of our data

We shall make sure that our database of treatments for various medical conditions is researched with updated data from reliable sources of medical information. Medical treatment guidelines shall be used in combination with online trusted sources of medical information. We shall make sure the source of our medical information has the references placed at the end of each post.  Our  information is collected from  certified medical information  providers endorsed by organizations such as Aurac, Truste or  AACI