Mobile Clinical Services

Je Health offers Mobile clinical services within Lusaka. Do you have any health issues that you need help on? Let Je Health mobile service be your savior. We have qualified and experienced clinical professionals who are ready to chat with you and solve your health issues.

Our mobile clinical services.

We offer the following services:

1. Diagnosis and treatment.

We offer diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions such as.

  • Malaria
  • Respiratory infections
  • STIs Gonorrhea, chlamydia, Trichomoniasis, ETC
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Gynecological problems
  • Diabetes
  • High blood sugar
  • Peptic ulcers and other GIT problems.
  • And many more

2. Laboratory services.

We only offer relevant mobile lab tests for making a correct diagnosis and treatment. The lab services offered under mobile clinical services include:

  • Pregnancy test.
  • Blood sugar test
  • Urine tests
  • Malaria tests
  • BP and weight checks.

Cost of our mobile clinical services. 

The prices are very affordable, depending on the required service. The maximum you can pay is K750, but many services require less than K500. 

 Contacting us

Clients are free to chat with the clinician online using the Facebook widget on the bottom right corner of your screen when you visit our website.

How the clinical services work

Once you feel something is wrong with your health, call us or chat with a clinician. 

The arrangement will be made with you when to follow you for further tests and treatment of your problem.

It's as simple as that.

Why choose our mobile services?

Our mobile clinical services are:

Faster. We chat and deal with your health issue within an hour.

Affordable. Life isn't that expensive. It takes an experienced professional with a passion to help people.

We follow you.  No worsting time moving around hospitals.

Flexible. We work according to your schedule because we care about your personal business.

Well, prepaid. We have enough stock of medicines and lab test requirements.